- adaptable-programmable assembly system АПСС Адаптивно-парограммируемая система сборки.
English-Russian dictionary of computer abbreviations and terms. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of computer abbreviations and terms. 2014.
apaş — APÁŞ, apaşi, s.m. 1. (La pl.) Numele unui trib de indieni din Texas; (şi la sg.) indian din acest trib. 2. (Rar) Derbedeu, haimana; hoţ; bandit. – Din fr. apache. Trimis de ana zecheru, 28.11.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 apáş s. m. pl. apáşi Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
Apas — are oblong shaped biscuits that are topped with sugar. Apas biscuits are a part of Filipino cuisine. Apas biscuits are advertised on many local tv stations using the lovable character ED. Ed is known for his brilliant yellow trousers, iconic… … Wikipedia
Apaš — Ȁpāš m <G Apáša> DEFINICIJA 1. pripadnik sjevernoameričkog indijanskog plemena 2. (apaš) žarg. pripadnik gradskog ološa; propalica, razbojnik … Hrvatski jezični portal
APAS — Abreviatura de ácido paraaminosalicílico. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
apăs — apắs, apắsuri, s.n. (înv.) 1. asuprire, opresiune 2. neajuns, necaz, păs Trimis de blaurb, 31.05.2006. Sursa: DAR … Dicționar Român
apas — as possible as soon I ll come apas … Dictionary of american slang
apas — as possible as soon I ll come apas … Dictionary of american slang
APAS BTP Camaret sur Mer — (Camaret sur Mer,Франция) Категория отеля: Адрес: Pointe de Pen Hir, 29570 … Каталог отелей
Apas Jumagulov — (Апас Джумагулов, Апас Жумагулов) (born 19 September 1934) served as the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan from 14 December 1993 to 24 March 1998.He studied geology and mineralogy in Moscow at Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas and began… … Wikipedia
Apas Djoumagoulov — (en cyrillique : Апас Джумагулов ou Апас Жумагулов) (19 septembre 1934 ) est un homme politique kirghiz, premier ministre entre le 14 décembre 1993 et le 24 mars 1998. Djoumagoulov sort diplômé de géologie et de … Wikipédia en Français
APAS — Asociación de Padres de Alumnos (International » Spanish) … Abbreviations dictionary